Torta di riso vegana con Tofu al naturale

Vegan Rice Cake with Natural Tofu

Mar 06, 2024

Ingredients (for a 24/26 cm mould):

  • 200 g of arborio or carnaroli rice
  • 1 litre of unsweetened soy milk + 50 ml
  • 100 g of natural tofu @naturaebontà
  • 80 g of brown sugar
  • 80 g of soaked raisins
  • zest of 1 organic lemon
  • 2 tablespoons rum / brandy
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla essence
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • qb turmeric (optional to give a yellow color)
  • qb icing sugar


        • First, soak the raisins in water at room temperature and set aside
        • Pour a litre of milk into a saucepan with the lemon zest, vanilla and a pinch of salt
        • Add the rice and cook almost until done (total cooking time 30 minutes)
        • Halfway through cooking the rice, add the sugar and the liqueur
        • Blend the tofu with 50 ml of soy milk until you get a smooth cream.
        • Add the tofu cream to the rice mixture, also add the soaked and well squeezed raisins
        • Transfer everything into a cake tin and bake at 170 degrees for about 60 minutes
        • Allow to cool completely before serving, with a sprinkling of icing sugar. Enjoyed cold from the fridge it is even better